Saturday, June 12, 2010

(static) Transmission Interception (static)

When people started getting sick it was all orchestrated movements. A dance between two creatures. Every step down into shit. And that's where you and me come in, fucking gore between the toes of something that refuses to die. It doesn't end. Ever. And that's the fucking problem. We're mired until we become part of it. There's no side worth taking. Only this dispicable in between. A cause with no presumable effect...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

(static) An Urgent Message (static)

This is the first document regarding the end. After the infection there was only the thought of surviving. This is only a thought about the possibility of your eventual reading. A shred of hope, stitched to sinew. A way to try and reconcile the fact that it is best to hope for death. True death. Because now we are faced with more than the traditional options...